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What Huyn Joong and Hong Don ate is not Pho, it's Hu tieu. iQiyi(,) is the worlds leading movie and video streaming website, offering OTT services including a variety of TV dramas, movies, shows, animation, and other quality content. That's why you see the same people at pancake place. If you pay attention you will see people wear skull pattern (Vietnamese don't like skull, and KHJ likes skull). The truth is they paid a lot over the market price (interpreter is also a fan so you get the picture), if they paid price market KHJ team for sure would be hungry. They pretense not to know him because they heard that if fans help team then that team would get punishment.
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Because they were afraid KHJ got hungry if his team couldn't sell so they help his team out. Barefoot friends CAPITULO 23 parte 1 parte 2 Barefoot friends CAPITULO 24 aprte 1 parte 2 APARTIR DE AKI COMPIA EL ENLACE Y PEGALO EN EL BUSCADOR PARA KE TE ENLACE CON EL VIDEO Barefoot friends CAPITULO 25 parte 1 parte2 h ttp://Barefoot friends capitulo 26 parte 1 parte 2 Barefoot friends capitulo 27 parte 1 parte 2 capitulo 28 proximamente parte 1: parte 2: capitulo 29 parte 1 capitulo 30 final shinee.Īll of the customers in fish market are KHJ fans in Henecia VN fan club.